import logging
import numbers
import operator
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from openTSNE import _tsne
from openTSNE import nearest_neighbors
from openTSNE import utils
from openTSNE.utils import is_package_installed
import warnings
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Affinities:
"""Compute the affinities between samples.
t-SNE takes as input an affinity matrix :math:`P`, and does not really care
about anything else from the data. This means we can use t-SNE for any data
where we are able to express interactions between samples with an affinity
P: array_like
The :math:`N \\times N` affinity matrix expressing interactions between
:math:`N` initial data samples.
verbose: bool
def __init__(self, verbose=False):
self.P = None
self.verbose = verbose
self.knn_index: nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex = None
def to_new(self, data, return_distances=False):
"""Compute the affinities of new samples to the initial samples.
This is necessary for embedding new data points into an existing
data: np.ndarray
The data points to be added to the existing embedding.
return_distances: bool
If needed, the function can return the indices of the nearest
neighbors and their corresponding distances.
P: array_like
An :math:`N \\times M` affinity matrix expressing interactions
between :math:`N` new data points the initial :math:`M` data
indices: np.ndarray
Returned if ``return_distances=True``. The indices of the :math:`k`
nearest neighbors in the existing embedding for every new data
distances: np.ndarray
Returned if ``return_distances=True``. The distances to the
:math:`k` nearest neighbors in the existing embedding for every new
data point.
def n_samples(self):
if self.knn_index is None:
raise RuntimeError("`knn_index` is not set!")
return self.knn_index.n_samples
class PerplexityBasedNN(Affinities):
"""Compute standard, Gaussian affinities using nearest neighbors.
Please see the :ref:`parameter-guide` for more information.
data: np.ndarray
The data matrix.
perplexity: float
Perplexity can be thought of as the continuous :math:`k` number of
nearest neighbors, for which t-SNE will attempt to preserve distances.
method: str
Specifies the nearest neighbor method to use. Can be ``exact``, ``annoy``,
``pynndescent``, ``hnsw``, ``approx``, or ``auto`` (default). ``approx``
uses Annoy if the input data matrix is not a sparse object and if Annoy
supports the given metric. Otherwise, it uses Pynndescent. ``auto`` uses
exact nearest neighbors for N<1000 and the same heuristic as ``approx``
for N>=1000.
metric: Union[str, Callable]
The metric to be used to compute affinities between points in the
original space.
metric_params: dict
Additional keyword arguments for the metric function.
symmetrize: bool
Symmetrize the affinity matrix. During standard t-SNE optimization, the
affinities are symmetrized. However, when embedding new data points into
existing embeddings, symmetrization is not performed.
n_jobs: int
The number of threads to use while running t-SNE. This follows the
scikit-learn convention, ``-1`` meaning all processors, ``-2`` meaning
all but one, etc.
random_state: Union[int, RandomState]
If the value is an int, random_state is the seed used by the random
number generator. If the value is a RandomState instance, then it will
be used as the random number generator. If the value is None, the random
number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.
verbose: bool
k_neighbors: int or ``auto``
The number of neighbors to use in the kNN graph. If ``auto`` (default),
it is set to three times the perplexity.
knn_index: Optional[nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex]
Optionally, a precomptued ``openTSNE.nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex`` object
can be specified. This option will ignore any KNN-related parameters.
When ``knn_index`` is specified, ``data`` must be set to None.
def __init__(
# This can't work if neither data nor the knn index are specified
if data is None and knn_index is None:
raise ValueError(
"At least one of the parameters `data` or `knn_index` must be specified!"
# This can't work if both data and the knn index are specified
if data is not None and knn_index is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Both `data` or `knn_index` were specified! Please pass only one."
# Find the nearest neighbors
if knn_index is None:
n_samples = data.shape[0]
if k_neighbors == "auto":
_k_neighbors = min(n_samples - 1, int(3 * perplexity))
_k_neighbors = k_neighbors
effective_perplexity = self.check_perplexity(perplexity, _k_neighbors)
if _k_neighbors > int(3 * effective_perplexity):
"The k_neighbors value is over 3 times larger than the perplexity value. "
"This may result in an unnecessary slowdown."
self.knn_index = get_knn_index(
data, method, _k_neighbors, metric, metric_params, n_jobs,
random_state, verbose
self.knn_index = knn_index
effective_perplexity = self.check_perplexity(perplexity, self.knn_index.k)"KNN index provided. Ignoring KNN-related parameters.")
self.__neighbors, self.__distances =
with utils.Timer("Calculating affinity matrix...", verbose):
self.P = joint_probabilities_nn(
self.perplexity = perplexity
self.effective_perplexity_ = effective_perplexity
self.symmetrize = symmetrize
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.verbose = verbose
def set_perplexity(self, new_perplexity):
"""Change the perplexity of the affinity matrix.
Note that we only allow setting the perplexity to a value not larger
than the number of neighbors used for the original perplexity. This
restriction exists because setting a higher perplexity value requires
recomputing all the nearest neighbors, which can take a long time.
To avoid potential confusion as to why execution time is slow, this
is not allowed. If you would like to increase the perplexity above
that value, simply create a new instance.
new_perplexity: float
The new perplexity.
# If the value hasn't changed, there's nothing to do
if new_perplexity == self.perplexity:
# Verify that the perplexity isn't negative
effective_perplexity = self.check_perplexity(new_perplexity, np.inf)
# Verify that the perplexity isn't too large for the kNN graph
if effective_perplexity > self.__neighbors.shape[1]:
raise RuntimeError(
"The desired perplexity `%.2f` is larger than the kNN graph "
"allows. This would need to recompute the nearest neighbors, "
"which is not efficient. Please create a new `%s` instance "
"with the increased perplexity."
% (effective_perplexity, self.__class__.__name__)
# Warn if the perplexity is larger than the heuristic
if 3 * effective_perplexity > self.__neighbors.shape[1]:
"The new perplexity is quite close to the computed number of "
"nearest neighbors. The results may be unexpected. Consider "
"creating a new `%s` instance with the increased perplexity."
% self.__class__.__name__
# Recompute the affinity matrix
self.perplexity = new_perplexity
self.effective_perplexity_ = effective_perplexity
k_neighbors = int(3 * new_perplexity)
with utils.Timer(
"Perplexity changed. Recomputing affinity matrix...", self.verbose
self.P = joint_probabilities_nn(
self.__neighbors[:, :k_neighbors],
self.__distances[:, :k_neighbors],
def to_new(
self, data, perplexity=None, return_distances=False, k_neighbors="auto"
"""Compute the affinities of new samples to the initial samples.
This is necessary for embedding new data points into an existing
Please see the :ref:`parameter-guide` for more information.
data: np.ndarray
The data points to be added to the existing embedding.
perplexity: float
Perplexity can be thought of as the continuous :math:`k` number of
nearest neighbors, for which t-SNE will attempt to preserve
return_distances: bool
If needed, the function can return the indices of the nearest
neighbors and their corresponding distances.
k_neighbors: int or ``auto``
The number of neighbors to query kNN graph for. If ``auto``
(default), it is set to three times the perplexity.
P: array_like
An :math:`N \\times M` affinity matrix expressing interactions
between :math:`N` new data points the initial :math:`M` data
indices: np.ndarray
Returned if ``return_distances=True``. The indices of the :math:`k`
nearest neighbors in the existing embedding for every new data
distances: np.ndarray
Returned if ``return_distances=True``. The distances to the
:math:`k` nearest neighbors in the existing embedding for every new
data point.
perplexity = perplexity if perplexity is not None else self.perplexity
if k_neighbors == "auto":
_k_neighbors = min(self.n_samples, int(3 * perplexity))
_k_neighbors = k_neighbors
effective_perplexity = self.check_perplexity(perplexity, _k_neighbors)
neighbors, distances = self.knn_index.query(data, _k_neighbors)
with utils.Timer("Calculating affinity matrix...", self.verbose):
P = joint_probabilities_nn(
if return_distances:
return P, neighbors, distances
return P
def check_perplexity(perplexity, k_neighbors):
if perplexity <= 0:
raise ValueError("Perplexity must be >=0. %.2f given" % perplexity)
if perplexity > k_neighbors:
old_perplexity, perplexity = perplexity, k_neighbors / 3
"Perplexity value %d is too high. Using perplexity %.2f instead"
% (old_perplexity, perplexity)
return perplexity
def get_knn_index(
data, method, k, metric, metric_params=None, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, verbose=False
# If we're dealing with a precomputed distance matrix, our job is very easy,
# so we can skip all the remaining checks
if metric == "precomputed":
return nearest_neighbors.PrecomputedDistanceMatrix(data, k=k)
preferred_approx_method = nearest_neighbors.Annoy
if is_package_installed("pynndescent") and (sp.issparse(data) or metric not in [
preferred_approx_method = nearest_neighbors.NNDescent
if data.shape[0] < 1000:
preferred_method = nearest_neighbors.Sklearn
preferred_method = preferred_approx_method
methods = {
"exact": nearest_neighbors.Sklearn,
"auto": preferred_method,
"approx": preferred_approx_method,
"annoy": nearest_neighbors.Annoy,
"pynndescent": nearest_neighbors.NNDescent,
"hnsw": nearest_neighbors.HNSW
if isinstance(method, nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex):
knn_index = method
elif method not in methods:
raise ValueError(
"Unrecognized nearest neighbor algorithm `%s`. Please choose one "
"of the supported methods or provide a valid `KNNIndex` instance." % method
knn_index = methods[method](
return knn_index
def joint_probabilities_nn(
"""Compute the conditional probability matrix P_{j|i}.
This method computes an approximation to P using the nearest neighbors.
neighbors: np.ndarray
A `n_samples * k_neighbors` matrix containing the indices to each
points' nearest neighbors in descending order.
distances: np.ndarray
A `n_samples * k_neighbors` matrix containing the distances to the
neighbors at indices defined in the neighbors parameter.
perplexities: double
The desired perplexity of the probability distribution.
symmetrize: bool
Whether to symmetrize the probability matrix or not. Symmetrizing is
used for typical t-SNE, but does not make sense when embedding new data
into an existing embedding.
normalization: str
The normalization scheme to use for the affinities. Standard t-SNE
considers interactions between all the data points, therefore the entire
affinity matrix is regarded as a probability distribution, and must sum
to 1. When embedding new points, we only consider interactions to
existing points, and treat each point separately. In this case, we
row-normalize the affinity matrix, meaning each point gets its own
probability distribution.
n_reference_samples: int
The number of samples in the existing (reference) embedding. Needed to
properly construct the sparse P matrix.
n_jobs: int
Number of threads.
A `n_samples * n_reference_samples` matrix containing the probabilities
that a new sample would appear as a neighbor of a reference point.
assert normalization in (
), f"Unrecognized normalization scheme `{normalization}`."
n_samples, k_neighbors = distances.shape
if n_reference_samples is None:
n_reference_samples = n_samples
# Compute asymmetric pairwise input similarities
conditional_P = _tsne.compute_gaussian_perplexity(
np.array(distances, dtype=float),
np.array(perplexities, dtype=float),
conditional_P = np.asarray(conditional_P)
P = sp.csr_matrix(
range(0, n_samples * k_neighbors + 1, k_neighbors),
shape=(n_samples, n_reference_samples),
# Symmetrize the probability matrix
if symmetrize:
P = (P + P.T) / 2
if normalization == "pair-wise":
P /= np.sum(P)
elif normalization == "point-wise":
P = sp.diags(np.asarray(1 / P.sum(axis=1)).ravel()) @ P
return P
class FixedSigmaNN(Affinities):
"""Compute affinities using nearest neighbors and a fixed bandwidth
for the Gaussians in the ambient space.
Using a fixed Gaussian bandwidth can enable us to find smaller clusters of
data points than we might be able to using the automatically determined
bandwidths using perplexity. Note however that this requires mostly trial
and error.
data: np.ndarray
The data matrix.
sigma: float
The bandwidth to use for the Gaussian kernels in the ambient space.
k: int
The number of nearest neighbors to consider for each kernel.
method: str
Specifies the nearest neighbor method to use. Can be ``exact``, ``annoy``,
``pynndescent``, ``hnsw``, ``approx``, or ``auto`` (default). ``approx``
uses Annoy if the input data matrix is not a sparse object and if Annoy
supports the given metric. Otherwise, it uses Pynndescent. ``auto`` uses
exact nearest neighbors for N<1000 and the same heuristic as ``approx``
for N>=1000.
metric: Union[str, Callable]
The metric to be used to compute affinities between points in the
original space.
metric_params: dict
Additional keyword arguments for the metric function.
symmetrize: bool
Symmetrize the affinity matrix. During standard t-SNE optimization, the
affinities are symmetrized. However, when embedding new data points into
existing embeddings, symmetrization is not performed.
n_jobs: int
The number of threads to use while running t-SNE. This follows the
scikit-learn convention, ``-1`` meaning all processors, ``-2`` meaning
all but one, etc.
random_state: Union[int, RandomState]
If the value is an int, random_state is the seed used by the random
number generator. If the value is a RandomState instance, then it will
be used as the random number generator. If the value is None, the random
number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.
verbose: bool
knn_index: Optional[nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex]
Optionally, a precomptued ``openTSNE.nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex`` object
can be specified. This option will ignore any KNN-related parameters.
When ``knn_index`` is specified, ``data`` must be set to None.
def __init__(
# Sigma must be specified, but has default set to none, so the parameter
# order makes more sense
if sigma is None:
raise ValueError("`sigma` must be specified!")
# This can't work if neither data nor the knn index are specified
if data is None and knn_index is None:
raise ValueError(
"At least one of the parameters `data` or `knn_index` must be specified!"
# This can't work if both data and the knn index are specified
if data is not None and knn_index is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Both `data` or `knn_index` were specified! Please pass only one."
# Find the nearest neighbors
if knn_index is None:
if k >= data.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"`k` (%d) cannot be larger than N-1 (%d)." % (k, data.shape[0])
self.knn_index = get_knn_index(
data, method, k, metric, metric_params, n_jobs, random_state, verbose
self.knn_index = knn_index"KNN index provided. Ignoring KNN-related parameters.")
neighbors, distances =
with utils.Timer("Calculating affinity matrix...", verbose):
# Compute asymmetric pairwise input similarities
conditional_P = np.exp(-(distances ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
conditional_P /= np.sum(conditional_P, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
n_samples = self.knn_index.n_samples
P = sp.csr_matrix(
range(0, n_samples * k + 1, k),
shape=(n_samples, n_samples),
# Symmetrize the probability matrix
if symmetrize:
P = (P + P.T) / 2
# Convert weights to probabilities
P /= np.sum(P)
self.sigma = sigma
self.P = P
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.verbose = verbose
def to_new(self, data, k=None, sigma=None, return_distances=False):
"""Compute the affinities of new samples to the initial samples.
This is necessary for embedding new data points into an existing
data: np.ndarray
The data points to be added to the existing embedding.
k: int
The number of nearest neighbors to consider for each kernel.
sigma: float
The bandwidth to use for the Gaussian kernels in the ambient space.
return_distances: bool
If needed, the function can return the indices of the nearest
neighbors and their corresponding distances.
P: array_like
An :math:`N \\times M` affinity matrix expressing interactions
between :math:`N` new data points the initial :math:`M` data
indices: np.ndarray
Returned if ``return_distances=True``. The indices of the :math:`k`
nearest neighbors in the existing embedding for every new data
distances: np.ndarray
Returned if ``return_distances=True``. The distances to the
:math:`k` nearest neighbors in the existing embedding for every new
data point.
n_samples = data.shape[0]
n_reference_samples = self.n_samples
if k is None:
k = self.knn_index.k
elif k >= n_reference_samples:
raise ValueError(
"`k` (%d) cannot be larger than the number of reference "
"samples (%d)." % (k, self.n_samples)
if sigma is None:
sigma = self.sigma
# Find nearest neighbors and the distances to the new points
neighbors, distances = self.knn_index.query(data, k)
with utils.Timer("Calculating affinity matrix...", self.verbose):
# Compute asymmetric pairwise input similarities
conditional_P = np.exp(-(distances ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
# Convert weights to probabilities
conditional_P /= np.sum(conditional_P, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
P = sp.csr_matrix(
range(0, n_samples * k + 1, k),
shape=(n_samples, n_reference_samples),
if return_distances:
return P, neighbors, distances
return P
class MultiscaleMixture(Affinities):
"""Calculate affinities using a Gaussian mixture kernel.
Instead of using a single perplexity to compute the affinities between data
points, we can use a multiscale Gaussian kernel instead. This allows us to
incorporate long range interactions.
Please see the :ref:`parameter-guide` for more information.
data: np.ndarray
The data matrix.
perplexities: List[float]
A list of perplexity values, which will be used in the multiscale
Gaussian kernel. Perplexity can be thought of as the continuous
:math:`k` number of nearest neighbors, for which t-SNE will attempt to
preserve distances.
method: str
Specifies the nearest neighbor method to use. Can be ``exact``, ``annoy``,
``pynndescent``, ``hnsw``, ``approx``, or ``auto`` (default). ``approx``
uses Annoy if the input data matrix is not a sparse object and if Annoy
supports the given metric. Otherwise, it uses Pynndescent. ``auto`` uses
exact nearest neighbors for N<1000 and the same heuristic as ``approx``
for N>=1000.
metric: Union[str, Callable]
The metric to be used to compute affinities between points in the
original space.
metric_params: dict
Additional keyword arguments for the metric function.
symmetrize: bool
Symmetrize the affinity matrix. During standard t-SNE optimization, the
affinities are symmetrized. However, when embedding new data points into
existing embeddings, symmetrization is not performed.
n_jobs: int
The number of threads to use while running t-SNE. This follows the
scikit-learn convention, ``-1`` meaning all processors, ``-2`` meaning
all but one, etc.
random_state: Union[int, RandomState]
If the value is an int, random_state is the seed used by the random
number generator. If the value is a RandomState instance, then it will
be used as the random number generator. If the value is None, the random
number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.
verbose: bool
knn_index: Optional[nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex]
Optionally, a precomptued ``openTSNE.nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex`` object
can be specified. This option will ignore any KNN-related parameters.
When ``knn_index`` is specified, ``data`` must be set to None.
def __init__(
# Perplexities must be specified, but has default set to none, so the
# parameter order makes more sense
if perplexities is None:
raise ValueError("`perplexities` must be specified!")
# This can't work if neither data nor the knn index are specified
if data is None and knn_index is None:
raise ValueError(
"At least one of the parameters `data` or `knn_index` must be specified!"
# This can't work if both data and the knn index are specified
if data is not None and knn_index is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Both `data` or `knn_index` were specified! Please pass only one."
# Find the nearest neighbors
if knn_index is None:
# We will compute the nearest neighbors to the max value of perplexity,
# smaller values can just use indexing to truncate unneeded neighbors
n_samples = data.shape[0]
effective_perplexities = self.check_perplexities(perplexities, n_samples)
max_perplexity = np.max(effective_perplexities)
k_neighbors = min(n_samples - 1, int(3 * max_perplexity))
self.knn_index = get_knn_index(
data, method, k_neighbors, metric, metric_params, n_jobs, random_state, verbose
self.knn_index = knn_index
n_samples = self.knn_index.n_samples
effective_perplexities = self.check_perplexities(perplexities, n_samples)"KNN index provided. Ignoring KNN-related parameters.")
self.__neighbors, self.__distances =
with utils.Timer("Calculating affinity matrix...", verbose):
self.P = self._calculate_P(
self.perplexities = perplexities
self.effective_perplexities_ = effective_perplexities
self.symmetrize = symmetrize
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.verbose = verbose
def _calculate_P(
return joint_probabilities_nn(
def set_perplexities(self, new_perplexities):
"""Change the perplexities of the affinity matrix.
Note that we only allow lowering the perplexities or restoring them to
their original maximum value. This restriction exists because setting a
higher perplexity value requires recomputing all the nearest neighbors,
which can take a long time. To avoid potential confusion as to why
execution time is slow, this is not allowed. If you would like to
increase the perplexity above the initial value, simply create a new
new_perplexities: List[float]
The new list of perplexities.
if np.array_equal(self.perplexities, new_perplexities):
effective_perplexities = self.check_perplexities(new_perplexities, self.n_samples)
max_perplexity = np.max(effective_perplexities)
k_neighbors = min(self.n_samples - 1, int(3 * max_perplexity))
if k_neighbors > self.__neighbors.shape[1]:
raise RuntimeError(
"The largest perplexity `%.2f` is larger than the initial one "
"used. This would need to recompute the nearest neighbors, "
"which is not efficient. Please create a new `%s` instance "
"with the increased perplexity."
% (max_perplexity, self.__class__.__name__)
self.perplexities = new_perplexities
self.effective_perplexities_ = effective_perplexities
with utils.Timer(
"Perplexity changed. Recomputing affinity matrix...", self.verbose
self.P = self._calculate_P(
self.__neighbors[:, :k_neighbors],
self.__distances[:, :k_neighbors],
def to_new(self, data, perplexities=None, return_distances=False):
"""Compute the affinities of new samples to the initial samples.
This is necessary for embedding new data points into an existing
Please see the :ref:`parameter-guide` for more information.
data: np.ndarray
The data points to be added to the existing embedding.
perplexities: List[float]
A list of perplexity values, which will be used in the multiscale
Gaussian kernel. Perplexity can be thought of as the continuous
:math:`k` number of nearest neighbors, for which t-SNE will attempt
to preserve distances.
return_distances: bool
If needed, the function can return the indices of the nearest
neighbors and their corresponding distances.
P: array_like
An :math:`N \\times M` affinity matrix expressing interactions
between :math:`N` new data points the initial :math:`M` data
indices: np.ndarray
Returned if ``return_distances=True``. The indices of the :math:`k`
nearest neighbors in the existing embedding for every new data
distances: np.ndarray
Returned if ``return_distances=True``. The distances to the
:math:`k` nearest neighbors in the existing embedding for every new
data point.
perplexities = perplexities if perplexities is not None else self.perplexities
effective_perplexities = self.check_perplexities(perplexities, self.n_samples)
max_perplexity = np.max(effective_perplexities)
k_neighbors = min(self.n_samples - 1, int(3 * max_perplexity))
neighbors, distances = self.knn_index.query(data, k_neighbors)
with utils.Timer("Calculating affinity matrix...", self.verbose):
P = self._calculate_P(
if return_distances:
return P, neighbors, distances
return P
def check_perplexities(self, perplexities, n_samples):
"""Check and correct/truncate perplexities.
If a perplexity is too large, it is corrected to the largest allowed
value. It is then inserted into the list of perplexities only if that
value doesn't already exist in the list.
if isinstance(perplexities, numbers.Number):
perplexities = [perplexities]
usable_perplexities = []
for perplexity in sorted(perplexities):
if perplexity <= 0:
raise ValueError("Perplexity must be >=0. %.2f given" % perplexity)
if 3 * perplexity > n_samples - 1:
new_perplexity = (n_samples - 1) / 3
if new_perplexity in usable_perplexities:
"Perplexity value %d is too high. Dropping "
"because the max perplexity is already in the "
"list." % perplexity
"Perplexity value %d is too high. Using "
"perplexity %.2f instead" % (perplexity, new_perplexity)
return usable_perplexities
class Multiscale(MultiscaleMixture):
"""Calculate affinities using averaged Gaussian perplexities.
In contrast to :class:`MultiscaleMixture`, which uses a Gaussian mixture
kernel, here, we first compute single scale Gaussian kernels, convert them
to probability distributions, then average them out between scales.
Please see the :ref:`parameter-guide` for more information.
data: np.ndarray
The data matrix.
perplexities: List[float]
A list of perplexity values, which will be used in the multiscale
Gaussian kernel. Perplexity can be thought of as the continuous
:math:`k` number of nearest neighbors, for which t-SNE will attempt to
preserve distances.
method: str
Specifies the nearest neighbor method to use. Can be ``exact``, ``annoy``,
``pynndescent``, ``hnsw``, ``approx``, or ``auto`` (default). ``approx``
uses Annoy if the input data matrix is not a sparse object and if Annoy
supports the given metric. Otherwise, it uses Pynndescent. ``auto`` uses
exact nearest neighbors for N<1000 and the same heuristic as ``approx``
for N>=1000.
metric: Union[str, Callable]
The metric to be used to compute affinities between points in the
original space.
metric_params: dict
Additional keyword arguments for the metric function.
symmetrize: bool
Symmetrize the affinity matrix. During standard t-SNE optimization, the
affinities are symmetrized. However, when embedding new data points into
existing embeddings, symmetrization is not performed.
n_jobs: int
The number of threads to use while running t-SNE. This follows the
scikit-learn convention, ``-1`` meaning all processors, ``-2`` meaning
all but one, etc.
random_state: Union[int, RandomState]
If the value is an int, random_state is the seed used by the random
number generator. If the value is a RandomState instance, then it will
be used as the random number generator. If the value is None, the random
number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`.
verbose: bool
knn_index: Optional[nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex]
Optionally, a precomptued ``openTSNE.nearest_neighbors.KNNIndex`` object
can be specified. This option will ignore any KNN-related parameters.
When ``knn_index`` is specified, ``data`` must be set to None.
def _calculate_P(
# Compute normalized probabilities for each perplexity
partial_Ps = [
for perplexity in perplexities
# Sum them together, then normalize
P = reduce(operator.add, partial_Ps, 0)
# Take care to properly normalize the affinity matrix
if normalization == "pair-wise":
P /= np.sum(P)
elif normalization == "point-wise":
P = sp.diags(np.asarray(1 / P.sum(axis=1)).ravel()) @ P
return P
class PrecomputedAffinities(Affinities):
"""Use a precomputed affinity matrix.
affinities: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray
An N x N matrix containing the affinities.
normalize: bool
Normalize the affinity matrix to sum to 1. Default is True.
def __init__(self, affinities, normalize=True):
if not isinstance(affinities, sp.csr_matrix):
affinities = sp.csr_matrix(affinities)
if normalize:
affinities /= np.sum(affinities)
self.P = affinities
def to_new(self, data, return_distances=False):
raise RuntimeError("Precomputed affinity matrices cannot be queried.")